Connection Kits

HR Toolkits for Supporting Mental Health

The 2023 Ottawa County Community Health Needs Assessment shows that mental health continues to be the most significant health issue in Ottawa County.

The collaborating partners of North Ottawa Wellness Foundation have come together in response to this need. We have identified major themes related to mental health from our partner collaborators, the Chamber HR Round Table, and others. These sources targeted work/life balance and team health as two of the top mental health priorities.

We have developed this series of Connection Kits in response to those needs. They are free to any organization, professional or individual who would like to use them.

We know that connection to others and to nature helps dissipate stress. As the name implies, these Kits will help people connect to their own personal well-being, to the great outdoors, and to others. Each Kit will feature a theme and supporting materials that are designed for easy, flexible implementation in your company or in your personal life.

The Kits are sent out to our newsletter subscribers two weeks before the end of each month. They are posted here one week later. If you would like to receive the Early Bird announcements, please sign up for our newsletter below.

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October 2024

Theme: Growing Gratitude


September 2024

Theme: Share the Sun


August 2024

Theme: Parks Bingo


Provide Feedback!

We would love to know how you’re using the Kit. Tell us how you implemented it, what your employees thought about it, what you loved, or what we could do to make it better.

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